Project Details
Project Name dataIRIS™
Project Description
- Robust and Secure Web Services layer that will allow exposing business data as Services-API
- API based mechanism to enabling partner integration and searching capabilities for data using the direct API's
- Admin capabilities enabling business to manage users, partners, functional feature, etc.
- Analytical capabilities to monitor and analyze data usage by various partners (minimal).
- Extending the existing domain model of AtoZdatabases application to support new customer and account
- Building a robust meta model layer that can be utilized to configure and control the features at the account or the user level
- Optimize data update and storage process
- Unify data delivery process

Build Details
Build Date 11-17-2017 [MM-DD-YYYY]
SVN Revision 1884
SVN Branch Prodcution
SDK API Version 1.0

Documentation Details
Online API Sandbox API Sandbox
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